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Business Partnership Program

A December 10, 2012 article in the Wall Street Journal states that “the incidence of Type 1 has been rising in the U.S. by about 2.5% to 4% a year.”  Needless to say the interest in properly trained diabetic alert dogs are also on the increase. According to this same Wall Street Journal report “a fully trained diabetic-alert dog can cost up to $20,000” and has seen an swell of private for-profit organization that are charging up to $18,000 for one fully trained dog.


Early Alert Canines is committed to providing these with trained medical alert service dogs for a minimal training fee.

Working with a small group of dedicated volunteers and a small professional team of fully qualified staff, Early Alert Canines depends on contributed support to train qualified dogs, purchase food and supplies, and place these dogs with worthy individuals and families.

Please join our Business Partnership Program by making a donation today.  Your sponsorship at any level will make a difference to a diabetic in your area!


Sponsor a dog and save a life today!

"Sometimes technology fails. That’s where having a diabetic alert dog can save a life. 

Remmy woke me up by pawing at the side of my bed. Sage's blood sugar was 65. 

This is where we hear the term “dead in bed”. A Type One diabetic whose blood sugar falls in the night so low they lose their life. This is exactly why I wanted an alert dog for Sage."

- Rebecca Russel, April 2019

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Business Partnership Opportunities

Best in Show

$10,000+ Donation

Business name, logo and website link on business partners page with a 2 sentence brief description, as well as name and logo on our HOMEPAGE

Best of Breed

$2,500-$9,999 Donation

Business name, logo and website link on business partners page with a 2 sentence brief description.

Blue Ribbon

$1,000-$2,499 Donation

Business name, logo and website link on business partners page.

Your support can cover…


$35,000  TOTAL Cost per team – (all inclusive program cost)

$15,000  Direct Services Cost for ONE Dog/Client Training
$  5,000  Team Training Session
$  4,500  Vet Care for 10 dogs for the full year
$  3,000  Training Support Staff per dog
$  2,500  Class Expenses for entire year
​$  1,000  Service Coats for entire year
$     500  Training Supplies, annually
$     500  Annual Food per dog
$     200  Monthly Pet Care (fleas/worms, medication)
$     100  Service Coat, per Dog
$      100   Training Supplies, per dog
$      50   Monthly Food bill, per dog

Yellow Ribbon

$25-$499 Donation

Yellow Ribbon

$25-$499 Donation

Red Ribbon

$500-$999 Donation

Business name and website link on business partners page.

Business name on business partners page.

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